"File" menu
Inside "File" menu the following options are available:
Change User allows to login to the program under administrator or other user account
Edit User Profile allows to edit user information like Job Title, E-mail, Phone, etc.
Archive mode allows to show the tasks that are placed in archive
Edit name of root task group allows to change the name of root task group (only if you login under administrator account)
Export View to Excel allows to export Task List, Task Tree, Calendar and Resource List views to MS Excel
Export View to HTML allows to export Task List, Task Tree, Calendar and Resource List views to HTML
Import VPXML allows to import tasks from VIP Team To Do List software product
Import from Outlook allows to import tasks, contacts, journals and appointments from MS Outlook
Print allows to print out Task List, Task Tree, Calendar and Resource List views
Print Preview allows to preview Task List, Task Tree, Calendar and Resource List views, create and edit your own print design
Exit allows to exit the program
"View" menu
Inside "View" menu the following options are available:
Toolbars option allows to display, hide and customize Toolbars of corresponding Views and Panels
Panels option allows to display or hide corresponding Panels
Columns option allows to display or hide columns on the grid of corresponding Views
"Tools" menu
Inside "Tools" menu the following options are available:
Custom fields option allows users to create, edit and delete their own fields
Custom workflow option allows user to create, edit and delete their own types of workflow and task statuses within these types.
Options allow users to edit various program settings like Global Hotkeys, maximal size of attachments, loading program on Windows StartUp, etc.
"Help" menu
Inside "Help" menu the following options are available:
Help option allows users to learn how to set up and use the program
About option allows users to learn some information about the version of the product installed, ex.: version number, how many days of trial period are left, how many users are eligible to use the product if it is already purchased, etc.
Home page option allows users to open product home page in default Internet browser
Enter license information… option allows users to upload the license file they receive after they purchased the product