To add notes to the task use following steps:
- Open "New Task" or "Edit Task" dialog and select "Note" tab or go to Notes panel
- Enter the notes
- Click "Ok" button in "Edit Task" dialog or ("Apply") button on Notes toolbar
To insert current date & time into the notes position the cursor in the required place of Notes panel and press ‘F5’ key
To create your own text design use Note tab toolbar in " Edit Task" dialog or Notes panel toolbar
To preview task note section, create and edit your own print design click on ("Print Preview") button on Notes panel toolbar
To print out task notes section click on ("Print") button on Notes panel toolbar
To display task notes as plain text under the task in Task List or Task Tree grid click on “Preview Mode” button on Task List or Task Tree toolbar and select “Note as plain” from drop-down list
To display task notes as RTF under the task in Task List or Task Tree grid click on “Preview Mode” button on Task List or Task Tree toolbar and select “Note as RTF” from drop-down list
To hide task notes from Task List or Task Tree grid click on “Preview Mode” button on Task List or Task Tree toolbar and select “None’ from drop-down list