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Average Non-employee Costs per Task

Average Non-employee Costs per Task
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Average Non-employee Costs per Task

    Average non-employee costs per task is a key performance indicator that shows the average task expenses which are not connected with using of a resource to complete the task.

    This KPI helps to compare the variation of non-employee costs for different periods of time.

    If you need to calculate average non-employee costs per task, please do the following:

    1. Create custom field "Task Fixed Expenses" (or "Non-Employee Costs").

    Task Fixed Cost

    2. If you need to view the average non-employee costs per particular project, filter your to-do list by task group with project tasks.

    3.  Set footer to display the average non-employee costs for a given project or to-do list:

  • right click under column "Task Fixed Expenses" (or "Non-Employee Costs").
  • select "Average"

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