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Cost Performance Index (CPI) per Project

Cost Performance Index (CPI) per Project
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Cost Performance Index (CPI) per Project

    Cost Performance Index (CPI) per Project is a project management key performance indicator that answers the question "Is your project behind or ahead of the schedule until now in terms of cost?" This KPI shows the rate of actual cost to work done so far. Cost Performance Index (CPI) can be calculated by the following formula:

    Cost Performance Index (CPI) = Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP) / Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP)

    Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP) or Earned Value (EV) is the total amount in money budgeted for the work that has been performed by certain date. Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP) or Earned Value (EV) can be calculated by the following formula:

    BCWP = Total Budgeted Cost * Percent % Work Complete

    Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP) is the total amount of direct and indirect expenses to accomplish a portion of work over some period of time.  The formula for calculating ACWP is as follows:

    ACWP = Direct Expenses + Indirect Expenses

    If the value of CPI is less than 1, the project is currently not successful against the budget.

    If the value of CPI is greater than 1, the project is currently successful against the budget.

    The value of CPI equals zero tells that for $1 USD spent you get $1 USD of performance.

    Cost Performance Index (CPI) per Project is one of the most important KPIs in project management. Cost Performance Index (CPI) allows to compare the progress of projects of different scopes unlike Cost Variance that shows the difference in dollars between baseline project cost (Cost) and Actual Cost of a project.

    To calculate Cost Performance Index (CPI) per Project please follow the steps below:

  • Add the custom field "BCWP" with Code "cf_bswp"
  • Add the custom field "ACWP" with code "cf_acwp"
  • Add the custom field "CPI" with the formula:
  • $cf_bcwp / $cf_acwp

  • On Task Tree select the task group for which you need to display Cost Performance Index (CPI) per Project  and select "Custom fields options"
  • Set the following custom fields settings for the custom fields: "BCWP", "ACWP" and "CPI"
    • In "Settings for" select "This task group"
    • select "Enable"
    • select "Calculated by custom field formula (for task group)"
  • Cost Performance Index (CPI) per Project on Task Tree

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