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Custom Workflow 59: Open – in Progress – Unresolved – Closed

Custom Workflow 59: Open – in Progress – Unresolved – Closed
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Custom Workflow 59: Open – in Progress – Unresolved – Closed

    The following are the states the task can assume:

  • Open
  • Task status "Open" means that the responsible person has added a task to VIP Task Manager Professional and now it requires further action.

  • In Progress
  • Task status "In Progress" shows that the assigned resource is finishing all requests in this task.  

  • Unresolved
  • Task status "Unresolved" is displayed for tasks which have some errors or there are some obstacles that hinder in fulfilling all or some of the requests in this task.

  • Closed
  • If the delegated resource successfully coped with the task and declared it complete, the task is set to "Closed" status.

    Custom Workflow 59

                             Task statuses of Custom Workflow 59 on Task List

    To create custom workflow using the statuses described above, please follow the steps below:

  • Go to: Tools/Custom workflow
  • Custom Workflow 59

  • Click "New Workflow"   button.
  • Custom Workflow 59

  • In Name field enter custom field name, for example, "Workflow 59".
  • Custom Workflow 59

  • Click "Ins" button, enter the status name "Open" in Name field and click "Ok" button.
  • Custom Workflow 59

  • Add other statuses: "In Progress", "Unresolved" and "Closed".
  • Custom Workflow 59

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