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Custom Workflow 7: Not Started – in Progress – Complete

Custom Workflow 7: Not Started – in Progress – Complete
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Custom Workflow 7: Not Started – in Progress – Complete

If you would like VIP Task Manager Professional to change the status automatically when Percent Complete is updated, you can use the workflow based on the following statuses:

  • Not Started

Task status "Not Started " shows that this task was created however has not been started yet. Percent Complete of tasks with status "Not Started" is 0 %. It means if you change Percent Complete of the task to 0%, task status will be automatically set to "Not Started". 

  • In Progress

Task Status "In Progress" shows that the task is in process of being completed. All tasks with Percent Complete 1-99% have status "In Progress". Once you update Percent Complete of the task to 50%, for example, the status of this task will be automatically updated to "In Progress".

  • Complete

Task Status "Complete" shows that task was successfully accomplished and the assigned resource reached his goals. All tasks with 100 % Complete have status "Complete".

Custom Workflow 7

To create custom workflow with automatic update of statuses based on Percent Complete, please follow the steps below:

  • Go to: Tools/Custom workflow

Custom Workflow 7

  • Click "New Workflow"   button

Custom Workflow 7

  • In Name field enter custom field name, for example, "Workflow 7".

Custom Workflow 7

  • Click "Ins" button, enter the status name "Not Started" in Name field and click "Ok" button.

Custom Workflow 7

  • Check "Complete related", in "Strong value" field enter "0"and click "Ok" button.

Custom Workflow 7

  • Click "Ins" button, enter the status name "In Progress" in Name field and click "Ok" button.

Custom Workflow 7

  • Check "Complete related", in "Range" field enter 1 and click "Ok" button.

Custom Workflow 7

  •  Click "Ins" button, enter the status name "Complete" in name field and click "Ok" button.

Custom Workflow 7

  • Check "Complete related", in "Strong value" field enter 100 and click "Ok" button.

Custom Workflow 7

Task statuses of Custom Workflow 7 on Task List


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