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Management-to-staff ratio

Management-to-staff ratio
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Management-to-staff Ratio

    Management-to-staff Ratio is employee key performance indicator that shows the ratio between total number of managers and supervisory employees and total number of full-time and half-time non–managerial (non-supervisory) employees. Management-to-staff Ratio is calculated by the formula:

    Management-to-staff Ratio = (N+(S-1))/S, where:

    N=Number of non–managerial (non-supervisory) employees S=Combined number of managers (top-, and middle managers) and supervisors (first level managers).

    It is important to define responsibilities and roles of your employees because sometimes there can be some difficulties as to what category (supervisory or non-supervisory) the employee can be referred to. For example, a project manager (team leader, program manager) allocates tasks to employees, reports on updates of the project to manager, but does not make general decisions related to employees (leaves, rewards, discipline) . In this case such project manager can be considered a non-supervisory employee.  

    There is no ideal management-to-staff ratio because it is specific for each company and depends on several factors. Some of them are the responsibilities of managers and employees and organizational level of your company.

    Management-to-staff ratio along with other related KPIs help define optimal management span of control and track the health of your company in terms of organizational development. 

    To calculate Management-to-staff Ratio for your company please follow the steps below:

  • Create the custom field “Number of Managers” for project with the code “cf_number_of_managers”
  • Management-to-staff Ratio

    The value of this custom field should include the total number of top-, middle-, first-level managers or supervisors.

  • To enter the value of the custom field “Number of Managers” per project you need to right click on task group with project tasks, select “Custom fields options” and select “Edit”
  • Management-to-staff Ratio

  • To enter the number of managers per task group field right click on task group and select “Edit”
  • Management-to-staff Ratio

  • Create the custom field “Number of Employees” with the code “cf_number_of_employees”
  • Management-to-staff Ratio

    Add total number of non-managerial or non-supervisory employees to this custom field

  • To enter the value of the custom field “Number of Employees” per project you need to right click on task group with project tasks, select “Custom fields options” and select “Edit”
  • Management-to-staff Ratio

  • To enter the number of employees for task group right click on task group with project tasks and select “Edit”
  • Management-to-staff Ratio

  • Create the custom field “Mngt-to-staff Ratio” with the formula:
  • (ToFloat($cf_number_of_employees) + (ToFloat($cf_number_of_managers) - 1)) / ToFloat($cf_number_of_managers)

    Management-to-staff Ratio

  • On Task Tree select the task group for which you need to display the value of this KPI, select “Custom fields options” and set the following custom fields settings for the custom field “Mngt-to-staff Ratio”:
    • In “Settings for” select “This task group”
    • select “Enable”
    • select “Calculated by custom field formula (for task group)”
  • Management-to-staff Ratio

    Management-to-staff Ratio

    Management-to-staff Ratio on Task Tree

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