Number of Cancelled Orders and Sales Order Cancellation Rate measure the
competence of sales representatives or any other employees dealing with sales.
The KPI Number of Cancelled Orders shows the total amount of orders that were
cancelled or refunded over measurement period. Sales Order Cancellation Rate is
the ratio (percentage) of cancelled or refunded orders against the total amount
of orders.
If you need to calculate the total number of cancelled or refunded
orders within some time period, please follow the steps below:
Add the custom workflow that would include the status related
to cancelled or refunded orders. You can use the following workflow: Needs
Action – In Process – Cancelled- Completed:
To view the total number of cancelled or refunded
orders on Task List, filter your to-do list by task group with tasks associated
with orders
To view the total number of cancelled or refunded
orders per some period of time set the appropriate filters on Task List –
Filters panel and filter tasks associated with orders by status “Cancelled”
To see the number of cancelled or refunded orders per particular sales
representative filter tasks on Task List – Filters panel
To view how many orders were cancelled or refunded per particular
salesperson in a given time span drag and drop the header “Status” to the top
of your task list
- right click under column “Status” and select “Count”
To view Sales Order Cancellation Rate please
and drop the column header “Status” to the top of your task list
go to Charts panel and select “Pie diagram”
This pie diagram shows the percentage of cancelled or refunded orders
against the total number of orders in all statuses.
If you need to see the percentage of cancelled or refunded orders
against successful orders in status “Completed” filter tasks by status
and go to Charts panel