Number of Orders per Customer for a Given Time Span
The number of orders per
customer for a given time span is a customer KPI that shows how many times the
customer orders within some period of time. This KPI helps analyze production
planning process and define whether you need to spend more money for marketing.
To view the
number of orders per customer for a given time span, please do the following:
- Create
custom field "Customer":
- Go
to: Tools/Custom fields and press "Ins" button
- In
"Title" field enter "Customer"
- In
"Code" field enter "cf_customer"
- In
"Type" field select "String" and click "Ok" button
- Filter tasks by task group with customers’
orders/tasks to view the number
of orders per customer
- To
view the number of orders per customer over some time span please set the appropriate
filters on Task List – Filters panel
To view the
number of orders per particular customer you need to do the following:
- set filter by
required customer
- right click under
column "Customer" and select "Count"
you can view the number of orders per customer if you group task list by
column "Customer" and click "Expand All" button
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