Productivity Labor KPI is a quality management key performance indicator
that shows the efficiency of workers producing outputs per labor hour.
Productivity Labor is also referred as labor productivity or worker
productivity. Productivity Labor is calculated by the following formula:
Productivity Labor = Number of outputs (units) produced / Number of
hours spent to produce these outputs (units)
The more units the employee produces per labor hour, the better it is.
However, the high productivity of the employee usually results in high number
of defects in the units the employee produces.
This KPI allows to track total company
productivity and the productivity of each employee.
To calculate Productivity Labor please follow the instructions below:
- Create the
custom field "Number of Units" with the code "cf_number_of_units"
If you would like to enter the number of units per project or per task
group with the tasks of particular employee you need to do the following:
To enter the value for the custom field right click on task group and
select "Edit"
- Create the
custom field "Labor Hours" with Code "cf_labor_hours"
If you would like to enter the number of labor hours per project or per
task group with the tasks of particular employee you need to do the following
To enter the value for the custom field right click on task group and
select "Edit"
- Create the
custom field "Productivity Labor" with the following formula:
($cf_number_of_units / $cf_labor_hours) / 24
- On Task Tree select the task group for which you need to display Productivity
Labor and select "Custom fields options"
- If you track the number of units produced and labor hours per each
task and need to see the sum aggregated for all task in a project you need
to set the following custom fields settings for the following custom
fields: "Number of Units" and "Labor Hours"
- In "Settings for" select "This
task group"
- select "Enable"
- in "Aggregated (for task
group)" field select "Sum" from drop-down list and the corresponding custom
field name
- Select custom field "Productivity Labor" set the following settings for these custom fields:
- In "Settings for" select "This task group"
- select "Enable"
- select "Calculated by custom field formula (for task group)"
Productivity Labor KPI on Task Tree