Queue Rate per Project
Queue Rate per Project is a key performance indicator that shows ratio of completed tasks in a project relative to the number of uncompleted tasks within the same time period. The formula looks like this:
Queue Rate = Number of Completed Project Tasks /Number of Uncompleted Project Tasks
The ratio greater than 1 indicates good performance. If the ratio is less than 1, the number of project tasks in the backlog increases.
Consider total number of completed and approved tasks in a project task group is 39 and the total number of uncompleted tasks in the same project task group is 35, Queue Rate is calculated as
Queue rate = 39/35 = 1.11
To define Queue Rate per Project please follow the instructions below:
- Add custom field “# of Completed Tasks” with Code “cf_number_of_completed”, Type “Float” and the formula:
iif(ToString($status_name) = "Completed",1, iif(ToString($status_name) = "Verified", 1,0))
If you use the formula above, task is considered completed if it is marked with status either “Completed” or “Verified”.
- Add custom field “# of Uncompleted Tasks” with Code “cf_number_of_completed”, Type “Float” and the formula:
iif(ToString($status_name) = "Draft", 1, iif(ToString($status_name) = "In Progress", 1, iif(ToString($status_name)= "Created",1, iif(ToString($status_name) = "Cancelled", 1,0))))
If you use the formula above, task is considered uncompleted if it has one of the following statuses: “Draft”, “In Progress”, “Created” or “Cancelled”.
- Add custom field “Queue Rate” with the formula:
$cf_number_of_completed / $cf_number_of_uncompleted
- On Task Tree select task group for which you need to display Queue Rate and select “Custom fields options”
- Set the following custom fields settings for the custom fields “# of Completed Tasks” and “# of Uncompleted Tasks”
- In “Settings for” select “This task group”
- select “Enable”
- in “Aggregated (for task group)” field select “Sum” from drop-down list and the corresponding custom field name:
- Select custom field “Queue Rate” and select set the following settings - In “Settings for” select “This task group”
- select “Enable”
- select “Calculated by custom field formula (for task group)”
If you would like to display Queue Rate for all project groups, please follow the instructions below:
- Select parent task group and set the following options for the custom fields “# of Completed Tasks”
and “# of Uncompleted Tasks”
- In “Settings for” select “Subgroups&tasks”
- select “Enable”
- in "Aggregated (for task group)" field select "Sum" for the custom fields "# of Completed Tasks"
and "# of Uncompleted Tasks"
- for the custom field "Queue Rate" select "Calculated by custom field formula (for task group)"
Queue Rate per Project Group on Task Tree