Resource Names
Names custom field shows the names of resources assigned to a task.
You can use
Resource Names custom field when you need to view, edit assigned resources or
sort or filter tasks by the assigned resources.
To create
custom filed Resource Names please follow the steps below:
1. Go to: Tools/Custom fields and press "Ins"
"Title" field enter "Resource Names"
"Code" field enter "cf_resource_names"
"Type" field select "List"
5. in Edit List item field select
the value number "1",
enter the name of resource in "Title" field, for example Nick Carter, and
click "Ok" button
6. Click "Add" button again,
select the value number "2",
enter the name of the second resource in "Title" field, for example,
Sandra Roberts and click "Ok" button
7. to display the value of custom
field Resource Names on Task List or Task Tree please go to Task List or
Task Tree, click Task List Columns or Task Tree Columns button and check the custom field "Resource
8. to select the values for custom field
Resource Names please do the following:
- Open a task and go to Custom Fields tab
- Select the values from drop-down list for
custom field Resource Names and click "Ok" button.