Task Completion Rate refers to usability key performance indicators.
This measure answers the question: How easy is it to complete assigned tasks
from the first attempt?” Task Completion Rate is calculated by dividing
the number of assigned employees who completed tasks successfully by the total
number of assigned employees. The success or failure of a task is set according
to the criteria you choose. Say if 7 employees of 10 completed tasks according
to your success criteria, Task Completion Rate (TCR) is calculated as follows:
TCR = 6/8 = 75%
TCR target depends on how much tasks cost. The more your tasks cost, the
more TCR you should have.
If you need to
compute Task Completion Rate (TCR), you need to do the following:
- Add custom field “Task Completion”
with code “cf_task_completion” and the formula:
iif(ToString($status_name)= "Completed",1,0)
Each time you change the task status to “Completed”, the
value of custom field “Task Completion” will be automatically
updated to the value “1”.
Note: to calculate “Task Completion Rate” you need to mark
task as “Completed” if it matches your success criteria.
- Add custom
field “Task Completion Rate” with formula:
/ X) * 100, where X is the number of assigned employees
To calculate the total number of completed tasks, right click under
column “Task Completion” and select “Sum”
- To show
Task Completion Rate on Task Tree select the task group and click
“Custom fields options”
- In
“Edit custom fields options” window select the following
options for the custom field “Task Completion”
- In “Settings for:” select “This task group”
- select “Enable”
- check “Aggregated (for task group)
- select “Sum” and the custom field name “Task Completion”
- Select the
following options for the custom field “Task Completion Rate”
- In “Settings for:” select “This task group”
- select “Enable”
- select “Calculated by custom field formula (for task group)”
Task Completion Rate (TCR) on Task Tree