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Total Assets Custom Field

Total Assets Custom Field
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Total Assets

    Total Assets is an accounting key performance indicator that shows the sum of all company’s long-term assets and current assets or entity that can be converted into cash.  Long-term assets are all assets that are not used in everyday accounting operations because they cannot be converted into cash in short period of time (usually less than one year). Long-term assets are divided into the following types of assets:

    1) Fixed assets are Property Plant and Equipment assets (PP&E) used in the production of goods or services and decrease in value over time.

    2)  Long-term investments are investments that can be converted into cash more than in a year.

    3)  Intangible assets cannot be seen. Brand recognition, copyrights, patents, goodwill are examples of intangible assets.

    Current Assets can be easily sold within a year. Cash, accounts receivable, raw materials, produced goods are current assets of a company.

    No financial plan can be made without knowing Total Assets figure.

    To define Total Assets please do the following:

  • Create custom field "Long-term Assets" with Code "cf_long_term_assets"
  • Total Assets

    Note: Depending on your needs you can create separate custom field for each type of long-term assets: "Fixed Assets", "Long-term investments" and "Intangible Assets"

    Total Assets

    Total Assets

    Total Assets

  • Create custom field "Current Assets" with Code "cf_current_assets"
  • Total Assets

  • Create the custom field "Total Assets" with the formula:
  • $cf_long_term_assets + $cf_current_assets

    Total Assets

    If you created the custom fields "Fixed assets", "Long-term investments" and "Intangible assets", the formula for Total Assets custom fields would look like this:

    $cf_fixed_assets + $cf_long_term_investments + $cf_intangible_assets + $cf_current_assets

    Total Assets

    Note: Alternatively you can create one custom field "Total Assets" and put the assets of all values to this custom field.

    Total Assets

  • If you need to view the total value of this KPI per particular project on Task List, filter your to-do list by task group with project tasks.
  • Total Assets

  • To enable the displaying of Total Assets select the root or parent task group and click "Custom fields options"
  • Total Assets

  • In "Edit custom fields options" window select the following options for custom fields "Long-term assets" and "Current Assets":
    • select "Enable"
    • check "Aggregated (for task group)
    • to display the total value of this KPI  select "Sum" and the custom field name "Long-term assets" and "Current Assets"
  • Total Assets

    Total Assets

  • In "Edit custom fields options" window select the following options for custom field  "Total Assets"
    • In "Settings for" select "This task group"
    • select "Enable"
    • select "Calculated by custom field formula (for task group)"
  • Total Assets

    Total Assets

    Total Assets on Task Tree

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