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Total and Average Task Duration Based on Resource Effort

Total and Average Task Duration Based on Resource Effort
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Total and Average Task Duration Based on Resource Effort

Time constrains of your project define start, finish dates and due dates of project tasks. The Duration of your tasks may depend on estimated Work and Resource Effort. The scheduling formula for computing task duration is below:

Duration = Work / Resource Effort

If Work or total labor of resource to complete a task is 8 hours (full work day) getting 100% of Resource Effort, task Duration is calculated as below:

8 hours of Work / 100 % of Resource Effort = 8 hours / 1 = 8 hours or 1 work day of Duration

If resource is expected to devote only 50% of Resource Effort to complete a task Duration is calculated as

8 hours of Work / 50% of Resource Effort = 8 hours/ 0.5 = 16 hours of Duration

Hence, in the second example a resource needs two halves of 8-hour work day for accomplishing a task

The equation above can be modified to calculate Task Work based on Resource Effort.

Total and Average Work and Duration based on Resource Effort will help you adjust and better control your project schedule.

Follow the customization guidelines below to calculate total and average task Duration based on Resource Effort:

  • Add custom field “Work” with Code “cf_work” and Type “Duration”

  • Add custom field “Resource Effort” with Code “cf_resource_effort” and Type “Float”

  • Add custom field “Duration” with Type “Duration” and the formula:

($cf_work / $cf_resource_effort) * 100

  • To filter tasks by particular project double click on task group

  • To set displaying of total or average duration per particular resource list and or some period of time use Task List - Filters panel

  • Right click under the column “Duration” and select “Sum” to display total task Duration based on Resource Effort

  • Select “Average” to display average task duration

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