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Total Cost of Tasks

Total Cost of Tasks
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Total Cost of Tasks

    Total cost of tasks is a key performance indicator that shows the total amount spent on task.  Total costs of tasks is the sum of task fixed cost, i.e. set task expenses that always remain unchanged over the task or project lifecycle and the costs that depend on the resource performance. Among the purposes of using this KPI are the following:

    1) estimate if the company expenses are under or over the budget

    2) determine the progress of the company over some time span.

    Depending on your company needs you may track the following types of costs of tasks:

  • Actual Cost – VIP Task Manager Professional can automatically calculate actual cost by the formula:
  • Actual Cost = (Actual Work * Standard Rate) + (Actual Overtime Work * Overtime Rate) + Resource per Use Costs + Task Fixed Cost

  • Cost can be automatically calculated by the  formula:
  • Cost = Actual Cost + Remaining Cost

  • Costs – the values of this custom field are arbitrary and are entered manually.
  • If you need to calculate total cost of tasks, please do the following:

    - Go to: Tools/Custom fields and press "Ins" button

    - in "Title" field enter "Costs"

    - in "Code" field enter "cf_costs"

    - in "Type" field select "Currency" and click "Ok" button

    To display the value of custom fields "Costs" on Task List please click Task List Columns button   and check the custom field "Costs".

    2.  Set footer to display the total cost for a given project or to-do list:

    - right click under column "Actual Cost", "Cost" or "Costs"

    - select "Sum"

    If you need to view the total cost of tasks for project(s) on Task Tree, please follow the steps below:

    1. on Task Tree select root task group and select "Custom fields options"

    2. to enable the displaying of total cost for task group select custom field "Actual Cost", "Cost" or "Costs"

     - select "Enable"

    - check "Aggregated (for task group)"

    - select "Sum" and the custom field name "Actual Cost", "Cost" or "Costs"

    3. Select task group for which you need to view the total cost of tasks, right click and select "Custom fields options"

    4. Select custom field "Actual Cost", "Cost" or "Costs" and select the option "Enable by parent".

    Total Cost of tasks per project on Task Tree

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