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Total SG&A Expenses

Total SG&A Expenses
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Total SG&A Expenses

    SG&A Expenses or Selling, General, and Administrative Expenses are the costs that refer to general company expenses, payroll costs and marketing, however are not tied to the production process directly. Selling expenses are any costs associated with selling or distributing the products or services provided by the company, e.g., advertising, and expenses for telephone, internet or transportation services. General and Administrative expenses are fixed and doesn’t depend on the company’s performance. Salaries of non-sales personnel, rent, heat and lights, insurance, etc. refer to General and Administrative Expenses. Total SG&A Expenses KPI reflects how effectively the management controls money. The less the value of this KPI is, the more successful the company is.
  • Create the custom field "SG&A Expenses"
  • If you need to view the total value of this KPI per particular project on Task List, filter your to-do list by task group with project tasks.
  • To enable the displaying of total SG&A Expenses select the root or parent task group and click "Custom fields options"
  • In "Edit custom fields options" window select the following options:
    • select custom field "SG&A Expenses"
    • select "Enable"
    • check "Aggregated (for task group)
    • to display the total value of this KPI select "Sum" and the custom field name "SG&A Expenses"
  • Total SG&A Expenses on Task Tree

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