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How to calculate the percentage of actual task performance

How to calculate the percentage of actual task performance
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How to calculate the percentage of actual task performance

To create the custom field for calculating the percentage of time a resource will work on a given task please follow the steps below:

  1. Set Estimated and Actual Time for tasks

2. Go to Tools/Custom fields and click “New” button

3. In 'Title' field enter the title for this custom field, for example, Actual/Estimated

4. In ‘Code’ field enter “cf_actual_estimated”

5. In “Type” field select 'Float'

6. In 'Formula' field enter the following formula and click “Ok”:


For example, if you set Estimated Time 4 hours and Actual Time 3 hours for certain task, the percentage of time a resource worked on a given task will be calculated as 74.9 %

3 hours (Actual Time) / 4 hours (Estimated Time) = 74.9 %


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