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How can I move my to do lists

How can I move my to do lists
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How can I move my to do lists from VIP Team To Do List to VIP Task Manager?

You can export your database from VIP Team To Do List and import it to VIP Task Manager:

1. Launch VIP Team To Do List
2. Backup your database (save or copy/paste it to another location).
3. Go to File -> Export -> Export to VPXML...
4. Launch VIP Task Manager
5. Go to File -> Import VPXML to select the path to the file you exported from VIP Team To Do List

If you have VIP Team To Do List v2.4 and less you need to:

1. Download the latest version of VIP Team To Do List from http://www.vip-qualitysoft.com/download/update/
2. Unzip zip-file and launch "setup.exe" file
3. Select "Repair" item to update your previous version to (v2.4.4 build 668)
4. Re-launch application (close and open again) and open your database
5. Activate new import functionality menu items:
- Right click on main menu and select Customize...
- Select "Menu Bar" and press "Reset.." button on Customize Dialog

Alternatively, you can send us your database files (.vpdb) and we will do the job ourselves and send you back VPXML files for import to VIP Task Manager.


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Feb 1, 2016 TopTenReview: VIP Organizer is one of the best organizer software
TopTenReview has published Organizer Software Review 2016 and our product has been included to the list of the best software programs for personal information management. The author considers VIP Organizer to be a good choice if you are looking for something simple to help you organize your days.

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