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How to back up and restore the database?

How to back up and restore the database?
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To back up VIP Task Manager database, please, do the following:

  1. Go to C:\Program Files\VIP Quality Software\VIP Task Manager Professional\DBAdminUtils and check if there is gbak.exe file there
  2. Go to Start -> Run
  3.  In "Open" line enter "cmd" and click 'Ok'. In the opened window enter the following:

    "C:\Program Files\VIP Quality Software\VIP Task Manager Professional\DBAdminUtils\gbak" -B -V -user [User name] -password [Password] "[Firebird host name]:[path to .GDB file on Firebird host]" "[local path to .GBK file]"

    For example:

    "C:\Program Files\VIP Quality Software\VIP Task Manager Professional\DBAdminUtils\gbak" -B -V -user sysdba -password masterkey "localhost:C:\Program Files\VIP Quality Software\VIP Task Manager Professional\Databases\TEST1.GDB" "c:\Temp\TEST1_BACKUP.gbk"

    Change 'TEST1' to your database name, "c:\Temp\db1.gbk" to the path where you store your backups.

    If you have any difference in the path, make corresponding changes as well.

To restore the database, please, follow the steps:

  1. Go to Start -> Run
  2. Enter following line into ‘Open:' entry field and click 'Ok'
  3. "C:\Program Files\VIP Quality Software\VIP Task Manager Professional\DBAdminUtils\gbak" -C -V -user sysdba -password masterkey "C:\Temp\db1.gbk" "localhost:C:\Program Files\VIP Quality Software\VIP Task Manager Professional\Databases\db1bk.gdb"

    Change the path if it is different, change db1.gbk to the name of your backup and db1bk.gdb to the name of your database. (If the current database is active, you should use a name different from your current database, otherwise it will not be restored)

  4. Go to Start -> All Programs -> VIP Quality Software -> VIP Task Manager Standard -> Database Manager (if you have Standard Edition) or Start -> All Programs -> VIP Quality Software -> VIP Task Manager Professional -> Database Manager (for Professional Edition).
  5. Go to 'Databases' tab, select restored database from the list and click on 'Register' button. Click 'Close' and see if the database works fine.

  6. If you need to give your restored database the name of original database, you should close the application on each computer in the network connected to it, rename the file .gdb and register it in Database Manager again


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