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What is the difference between assigned resource and supervisor

What is the difference between assigned resource and supervisor
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What is the difference between assigned resource and supervisor?

Assigned resource (doer) is the user who should do the task. You assign a task to resource in Resources tab in Edit task window.

Supervisor (watcher) is the user who keeps an eye on the status of projects and tasks but not accomplishes the tasks himself, just tracks tasks and projects. Supervisors are assigned in Watch List in Edit Task window.

For example, Jessica Morrison is an employee, Ennio Satake is her boss. Jessica Morrison is assigned to task #163: Write a report. If Jessica added this task to her list , then Ennio Satake doesn't have a direct relation to this task, but he is Jessica's boss and he wants to see how his employee is doing with the assigned task.

To track task and projects the supervisor can get the notifications of:

  1. A certain resource if this resource updates the task, supervisor gets Notifications about it.
  2. A certain task group if any task in this task group is updated, supervisor is immediately notified
  3. A certain task: if task is updated, supervisor gets Notifications about it.


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